Art Show

Vanessa with her art project which was an ancient mask using glue, mesh paper and paint.

May 16th
Share Art
We had a very unique and special experience with Hopie as she was invited to a reception for a city-wide Art show. Unfortunately, we had a technical difficulties with our camera so we lost the photo's we took that day. We're planning another trip to take some more pictures of it. I'll post when we get them. In the city-wide art contest, where only 100 students' art was chosen, Hopie's drawing is permanently displayed in the Family Justice Center downtown. So, I felt this was noteworthy and had mention it. She did a Sharpie and tempera paint abstract. It looked amazing! It is a really cool program called S.h.a.r.e - Students help art reach everyone. You can see some amazing art here and you may find Hopie's too. She's in the 2009 gallery. It has been an incredible experience for her.
May 23rd
In Remembrance
Brig went with his scout troop and put flags on all of the graves of the soldiers in the cemetary. He did a good job and felt good about being involved in this service project.
May 25th
Memorial Day
Jared was actually off for Memorial Day this year. So, he planned a very fun day with the children. First, he took our oldest four children tubing in the river. I stayed home with the littlest ones. They woke up at 6 a.m. to arrive early at the river and avoid the crowds. The plan worked and they avoided the crowds. It was super fun for them! This is what happened to the camera, incidentally, it fell in the river. Jared is already planning to buy another one for his birthday coming up.
Later, we had a barbeque and Jared set up a super water slide in our backyard. Good food and getting super wet - what more could you ask for out of Memorial Day? The kids loved it!
May 26th
Healthy Boy!
Noah had his eighteen month well-child check up today. He is growing so much! He weighed 22 1/2 lbs. and is 31 inches tall now. He has really light blonde hair now and he smiles so wide all the time. He did a really great job getting his shots and was very brave.
May 29th
Dance Festival
Isaiah did a very good job, according to his dad who went, in the dance festival at school today dancing to "Twist and Shout!" He was so cute all decked out in '60's attire.
Nessa's class did their dance to the song called "The Eye of the Tiger" and she wore an orange shirt and black capri's. They had made tiger eyes in class that they wore too.
Brig's class danced to "Beat it" by Michael Jackson. His class wore royal blue colors.
May 31st
Our Favorite Meal
Jared made us a really great Sunday dinner today. He made pasta with fresh tomato, basil, and Parmesan cheese mixed in. The flavor was fresh and appealing. Jared's garden is growing very well. It looks good and has sprouted up.
For dessert, Jared made chocolate lava cakes. He decked them out to look really pretty with fresh strawberries, blackberries and cherries.
The other day after we ate lunch, Gracie said the cutest thing to me; "Mommy, I just love food!" Funny thing is I think we all do and it is showing itself through this blog.
May has been wonderfully busy and the school children are anxious for summer break. They've worked so hard this year and deserve it! I can't wait to start summer activities with them and summer reading too! So much to look forward to!
Our school district had an Art Show and both Hopie and Nessa's Art was chosen to be displayed in it. We left right as they arrived home from school since Wednesday's are such a busy night for us. We had a great time looking for their school's display and their art projects. Hopie had two on display this year and Nessa had one. They did so well on them and I think they are very interesting. For Nessa, it was her first Art show and she has continuously tried each year. She was very excited! Hopie said she was glad to be in the Art show again this year. She only wanted me to post the picture for her favorite entry.
I was happy for them and I know they both worked so hard.
Hopie with her 3-D pencil art drawing and a close-up.
I was happy for them and I know they both worked so hard.
Hopie with her 3-D pencil art drawing and a close-up.

Vanessa with her art project which was an ancient mask using glue, mesh paper and paint.

May 16th
Share Art
We had a very unique and special experience with Hopie as she was invited to a reception for a city-wide Art show. Unfortunately, we had a technical difficulties with our camera so we lost the photo's we took that day. We're planning another trip to take some more pictures of it. I'll post when we get them. In the city-wide art contest, where only 100 students' art was chosen, Hopie's drawing is permanently displayed in the Family Justice Center downtown. So, I felt this was noteworthy and had mention it. She did a Sharpie and tempera paint abstract. It looked amazing! It is a really cool program called S.h.a.r.e - Students help art reach everyone. You can see some amazing art here and you may find Hopie's too. She's in the 2009 gallery. It has been an incredible experience for her.
May 23rd
In Remembrance
Brig went with his scout troop and put flags on all of the graves of the soldiers in the cemetary. He did a good job and felt good about being involved in this service project.
May 25th
Memorial Day
Jared was actually off for Memorial Day this year. So, he planned a very fun day with the children. First, he took our oldest four children tubing in the river. I stayed home with the littlest ones. They woke up at 6 a.m. to arrive early at the river and avoid the crowds. The plan worked and they avoided the crowds. It was super fun for them! This is what happened to the camera, incidentally, it fell in the river. Jared is already planning to buy another one for his birthday coming up.
Later, we had a barbeque and Jared set up a super water slide in our backyard. Good food and getting super wet - what more could you ask for out of Memorial Day? The kids loved it!
May 26th
Healthy Boy!
Noah had his eighteen month well-child check up today. He is growing so much! He weighed 22 1/2 lbs. and is 31 inches tall now. He has really light blonde hair now and he smiles so wide all the time. He did a really great job getting his shots and was very brave.
May 29th
Dance Festival
Isaiah did a very good job, according to his dad who went, in the dance festival at school today dancing to "Twist and Shout!" He was so cute all decked out in '60's attire.
Nessa's class did their dance to the song called "The Eye of the Tiger" and she wore an orange shirt and black capri's. They had made tiger eyes in class that they wore too.
Brig's class danced to "Beat it" by Michael Jackson. His class wore royal blue colors.
May 31st
Our Favorite Meal
Jared made us a really great Sunday dinner today. He made pasta with fresh tomato, basil, and Parmesan cheese mixed in. The flavor was fresh and appealing. Jared's garden is growing very well. It looks good and has sprouted up.
For dessert, Jared made chocolate lava cakes. He decked them out to look really pretty with fresh strawberries, blackberries and cherries.
The other day after we ate lunch, Gracie said the cutest thing to me; "Mommy, I just love food!" Funny thing is I think we all do and it is showing itself through this blog.
May has been wonderfully busy and the school children are anxious for summer break. They've worked so hard this year and deserve it! I can't wait to start summer activities with them and summer reading too! So much to look forward to!
I went and looked for Hope's artwork, and it was really cool. Congrats to her on getting work permenantly out there!
Sorry about the camera.
What's ironic is that my kids were all so chubby as babies, they were hitting 22 lbs by the time they were 6 to 10 months old. :D They thinned out though. That's just the way they growth-spurted.
Amanda-Thanks so much for looking up and enjoying Hopie's artwork.
It's okay about the camera and it was kind of funny except for losing the pictures, of course.
Noah is definitely on the skinny side unlike my other kids except Hopie who was a skinny baby too. The similarities between those two are interesting.
What talented girls you have! That's so fun they were recognized like that. And you're SO lucky to have a husband who ENJOYS cooking and will CHOOSE to make dinner just for the fun of it.
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