Hope made it through her first year of Middle School. She did super great getting A's throughout the school year in her Pre-AP classes. She is one hard worker! We're so happy that she also enjoyed History Club and Art. Her talents are really developing. Great job!

Zayah finished up his Pre-K year with lots of fun at Splish Splash Day, having a PJ day & yummy treats for the End of the school year. He'll now move on to Kindergarten in the Fall. Wow, that's great!

I attended school awards programs for Nessa & Brigham. Luckily for me, they were scheduled on the same day right after each other. It was really neat and I managed to get one great picture of each child getting their award even though I was holding Noah. Amazing!
Here is Nessa, pictured with her 3rd grade teacher Ms. Oakes, receiving her awards. She received 4th/9 wks. A+B Honor Roll, A+B Honor Roll All Year, Citizenship Award (E) in conduct All Year and promotion to 4th grade. Magnificent job, Vanessa!

Here is Brigham, pictured with his 4th grade teacher Ms. Resendez, receiving his awards. He received 4th/9 wks. A+B Honor Roll, 4th/9 wks. Perfect Attendance, Citizenship Award (E) in conduct All Year and promotion to 5th grade. We're super excited for Brigham!