Monday, June 2, 2008

At the Zoo

We were able to go to the Zoo on the Fri. May 24th. It was a lot of fun! I enjoy learning about the different animals and observing what they do. I do feel bad to see them in cages and such though. I would never be able to travel the world to see all these animals in their natural habitats. For some of the animals the zoo is all they know. Here are some fun photos of us there. We had so much fun in the water and beach type set up they had there. Lots of fun in the sand. You can see why the Zoo is one of our favorite places!

Flamingo's Rock!

Beautiful Gracie

Gracie loves turtles even pretend ones.

An All-American Zayah boy!


Marcia Mickelson said...

You're so smart to bring their bathing suits. My kids always want to play there, but I never think to bring their suits. i will miss that zoo; it's great.

Beck said...

I still am in shock everytime I look at your blog and see how big the kids are. Life looks good in TX. When are you coming back to UT to visit? Anytime soon?

JanB said...

I second that question about Utah.
The zoo looks fun. We never got to it when we were there. I wish we had.
Sure miss you guys!