We have been busy, as usual! Our children enjoyed
Spring Break, March 9-13, which was earlier this year. We had so much fun and Jared was able to have a couple of days off to spend time with all of us.
First, he built our boys a
triple bunk bed and it really it quite ingenious as it can store cans of food at the bottom as well. Cowboy & Hopie helped make it. Our boys are loving it!
Second, We enjoyed a family hike at
Enchanted Rock!

It was a gorgeous day and not too hot at all. It was rainy the next few days of the week but we still enjoyed a day at the Zoo!

The butterfly exhibit

here is so amazing - the butterfly's will land on you if you hold real still.

You can barely feel them at all!

We just love
going to the Zoo! Last but not least, we enjoyed a picnic at the park of hot dogs, grapes and chips. We had the best Spring Break ever!
Other March highlights include:
Hopie planned a birthday party for her dog, Candy, who is three years old. I'm amazed that she's lasted so long in our crazy life. Hopie feels Candy is a
Princess and is still taking pretty good care of her which was always part of the deal in getting a dog anyway. The party turned out really fun and I think the dog was spoiled with bones and doggie treats. I bet she loved it!

Cowboy just received his
Scout award and is doing his best in school.
Nessa is very clever at writing and her teachers have noticed. She has been working very hard on a report about
Rome and has taught me things that I didn't know about that civilization which turned out very well. I think she is a hard working student at school and it shows in her grades!
Zayah continues to make me laugh every day and he is learning to write sentences in school. His favorite subject to write about is me, as his mom - Imagine that...it sure helps me remember about what I most likely thought about my mom in
Kindergarten as well.
Gracie loves to have books read to her and will listen to anyone who will read to her. She loves Joy school and her friends. She misses her Daddy when he is away and often stays up until he comes home from work each night. It's so cute to see her give him the biggest hug she can when he gets home.
Noah is walking!! I am absolutely thrilled with all that he can do now! It is a "Watch out world - Here I come" time for him right now! I found an old picture of
his cousin, Winsor when he was about the same age as Noah is right now and I was amazed at the resemblance which I pointed out to Jared and he thought so too. It was really incredible to see! If I can figure out how to work the scanner, I'll scan the picture in along with one of Noah and you can see for yourself. I'll most likely put in a current post. I'll let you know when I do.