Sunday, August 3, 2008

Ooooh Sooooo Good - Lemon Tarts

We took a lot of photos during this process of making these mini lemon meringue pies that we've decided to call lemon tarts. Mainly because it's fun to say: "The Queen of Hearts, she made some tarts."
I love to cook and my mother, Clara, taught me. It is something I really want to teach my children as well. So, we do these kind of cooking activities a lot. It's fun! My way of relaxing is to cook and I love to share my food with those I really care about. It's how I show my love to others. I enjoy it!
This first picture is of the lemons before we squeezed all the juice out of them.

Here's little Gracie ("peep, peep") helping me squeeze the lemons with the citrus juicer that mommy bought from Pampered Chef that I actually like.

Here's Cowboy helping to stir and stir then stir again the lemon sauce made from scratch.

Zayah and Gracie helping to cut out all of the pie crusts - also made from scratch.
Finally, its a picture of Zayah, holding the finished product with the meringue and everything.
By the way, these tarts were fabulously yummy!


Bonnie said...

Wow, those look so good! What fun or the whole family.

Marcia Mickelson said...

Yum. Those look so good.

Julie said...

Oh, Wow, yes they were very good!